Join us!
Sunday School 9:30am-10:15 am. Men’s class in sanctuary, Women’s class in fellowship hall, Teens in Teen Room, Junior Class w/Jean Marshall in the room off the fellowship hall, Primary Class w/Laura Thomson to meet in the classroom next to the men’s bathroom.
Join us at Sunday @ 10:30 am for our worship service @ 3048 Southway 31 Rochester, IN 46975.
Pastor Larry’s sermon is also streamed live at 10:30 am Sundays on Facebook & U-TUBE.
NURSERY @ 10:30 am We have a very qualified volunteer staff to care for all infants & toddlers up to age 3.
THE GREENHOUSE @ 10:30 am THE GREENHOUSE will continue to minister to our children ages 8-11. Maddie Smith and Eli Swango will join Elisabeth Marshall and work alongside her in the Greenhouse. They will be ministering every second Sunday of the month. The first quarter of the year will be covering, “How do I hear from God?” This will be a great team ministering to our older children!
SPROUT MINISTRY: During the morning worship service. “Sprout” is for children ages 4-7 and will meet in the toddler room off of the nursery. SPROUT KIDS WILL MEET EVERY SUNDAY, INCLUDING THE LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH.
Sprout will exist to lead children into a growing relationship with Christ by creating an environment of learning, fellowship, and fun. Isaiah 61:11 says, “For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to sprout up, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to sprout up before all the nations.” Our vision is to provide love and the beginning stages of leading children to Jesus; providing good soil so they can easily start to sprout so in the future they can be a strong plant as they move on to the “Greenhouse”.
Melody Schoff will be assisting Cheryl Stout as the children cover topics as who they are in Christ, the Armor of God, Bible heroes, worship, and more. The class will consist of scripture, lesson, songs, game, snacks, and a craft that is set up to go along with the class lesson that Sunday.
This month Jeff Cloud will be teaching our class for ages 4-11 while Kerrie & Shawn assist. There will be a lesson, game or two, activity, and food each Wednesday as the kids meet in the Greenhouse. Thank you, Kerrie, for taking the first month and making it fun to learn!
Young Adults Bible Study has changed to include ages 19-35 and meets with Susan in the fellowship hall.
THE NURSERY EVEN HAS A VERY CAPABLE ATTENDANT to watch over infants all the way up to 4!
YOUTH 180 FOR AGES 12-18 EVERY LAST FRIDAY of the month our youth group will be meeting at Jeremy & Kellie Swango’s house from 7-10 pm located at 1116 Elm St. There will be a movie, games, and food. Come hungry, bring a friend, and be ready to enjoy the night together.
MARCH 2025
This past Friday, most of us had the opportunity to bless those we love with a Valentine’s Day card, and for many of us, we also gave them a gift. There are those who believe that Valentine’s Day was created by retailers to have a special day in which they would be able to fleece the people of our nation in the name of love. The golden text of the Bible tells us, “for God so loved the world that HE GAVE His only begotten son that whosever believes on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” Love was demonstrated by the gift of giving according to the mercy and grace of our great God. When you and I give, we are living according to the example of God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
This past month, we had the privilege to meet with our leaders and set our schedule of ministry events for 2025. We have numerous events planned that are focused upon giving Jesus to those who need Him as their Savior and Lord. Sunday, April 20th, we will start our Easter celebration by hosting breakfast at 8am and we will begin our service at 9am in order to allow families we are inviting to have time to enjoy their special Easter events. On May 31st, we will host a one-day Vacation Bible School to bless families in our area. On July 4th, we will host our annual “Light Up the Sky” fireworks show. I have had people tell me that our fireworks show is better than the one hosted by the town at the airport. In addition, we are trying to bring in JJ Weeks to hold a concert during this event. August 2nd, we will host our 2025 Gas Give-Away. In 2023, we were able to bless people in our community with 30 dollars of gas. We actually had raised $6,000 to do this! If you would like to help by donating to Light Up the Sky concert or our Gas Give Away, please put your donation in an envelope and designate what you want it to go toward. September 7th, we will celebrate Grandparents Day. October 26th, we will celebrate our annual Fall Festival. And there are many other events we will host during the year.
With all this in mind, the question that many have is, “What can I do to bless this community?”
First, the most important thing you can do to make these events successful is to PRAY. Make a prayer list of ministries and dedicate at least one day a week to ask God to anoint us to do the work of ministry. Second, you can give each week. Most people don’t have a lot of excess funds to give, however if each family will give 5 dollars a week beginning now, I believe God will multiply those funds and provide all we need to do the work of ministry. Luke 6:38 says, “Give and You will receive. Your gift will return to you in full – pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” God blesses us to be a blessing to those around us. Third, volunteer to serve in some way through these ministries. God works through people who make themselves available to serve. I am convinced this year will be a marvelous year of ministry. We love this church body.
21 DAYS TO POWER – beginning Monday, March 31st, we are asking you to join us in 21 days of prayer and fasting for our Easter service Sunday, April 20th Traditionally, the Easter service is the most attended church service of the year. We don’t want to just come together to celebrate this special day, but we want people to have a very personal encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. The fact that we know Jesus is alive offers hope for every person who surrenders their life to the Lord. We do not have what it takes to bring people to Christ, however if we will fast and pray, the Holy Spirit will anoint us to reach the hearts and lives of our families and friends. I am committed to fast coffee during these 21 days, and I am asking you to seek the Lord about what He would have you to fast. I believe we will experience a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Easter Sunday. Listen for reminders as we get closer to the end of this month. This would be the perfect opportunity for you to be in prayer and invite YOUR “ONE” to be your guest. Pray, Encourage, Invite, & Disciple! We must reach people for Christ!